Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I went to investigate where Eric went missing after I made my last post.  It was, or course, a dark and rainy day.  There was an alley next to the pizza place, so I figured that would be the best place to look.  When I was walking into the alley, I noticed someone standing there at the end of it.  My foot bumped an old can, and he turned around.  He was wearing a black a sleeveless/hood less cloak. A Guy Fawkes mask, and a black top hat.  I yelled out, "Where's Eric!", and charged at him.  When I tackled him, he was able to through me off, and started to make a run for it.  I ran and grabbed him, and pulled him to the ground.  I ripped his mask off.  He had messy brown hair, a few scars on his cheek and chin, and bags under his eyes.  "Who are you and where's Eric!", I yelled inches from the guy's face.  He told me he was "A Friend", but I didn't fell like taking his cryptic bull crap, so I yelled it at him again.  He looked me in the eye and told me he was Thomas Matthews.  He said that he'd been trying to kill Slender Man since he burnt his house down.  He said that he'd noticed my blog, and since he was already in the area, he decided to help me.  He told me that he was with Dr.Richards for a few years, but he was killed two years ago by Slender Man.  He explained to me that "The Advcate" wasn't a person, but rather, he was just several members of "The Order" hacking me under the name.  He said he didn't know how, but he was pretty certain that they were the ones hacking me.  He said that he had more to tell me about "The Order", but he'd much rather do it back at the dorms.  When we go there, he told me that "The Order" was a  cult that worshiped The Slender Man, believing him to be a god who would take them to "The Fourth World".  They also acted as his soldiers when need be, which is why "Advcate" made a comeback after getting shot in the face. He said that "The Order" is the reason he was in the area in the first place.  He also told me that Slender Man was done toying with me so he had "The Order" abduct Eric so that they could sacrifice the both of us to him.  He said that their base was in that house "Advcate" had wanted me to meet him at.  I asked him how I could trust him not to be leading me into a trap, and he looked at me with the same eyes that one of my reflections had in that nightmare.  He said, "I listened to my parents scream and smelt their flesh burn away, and heard him laughing at me in my head using my voice the whole time.  WHY would I want to work for him?".  I didn't doubt him after that.  We went off to his car, which had several guns.  He told me to grab one if I planned to rescue Eric with him.  I never wanted to pick up a gun again after I killed "Advcate" in that house, but Eric has been like a brother to me and stuck around as my life became a horror movie.  I wasn't just going to let him die.  We got to that house about eight at night.  There was light coming through the windows and singing in a language I couldn't understand.  When I kicked down the door, and they all looked over to me and Thomas, I saw something I'll never forget.  I saw a dead woman laying on the floor with her stomach torn open, and Slender Man standing there with a tentacle wrapped around a crying baby covered in blood.  I shot at him, but he just dissapered. They charged at me and Thomas, and I opened fire. They stabbed me with a knife in the shoulder and leg, but  managed to fight my way through them.  One charged at me yelling something about not being welcome in "HIS" domain.  I shot him in the chest, and kept looking around for Eric.  I saw some stairs to what looked like a basement, and ran down there hoping to find Eric alive.  He was down there alright.  He was covered in blood and chained to a wall with several cuts on him.  "I thought I'd never see you again.", said weakly as I picked him up after shooting the chains.  I ran back up to see Thomas run by me and Eric yelling to follow him.  I looked to see Slender Man with members of  "The Order" in his tendrils and ripping them apart.  Thomas had a can of oil, using it to drip a line of oil behind him as we got out of there.  We got through the back door, and I looked over to see Thomas smiling with a lit match.  "Burn in Hell.", he said as he dropped the match.  The oil ignited, and the house burst into flame.  I looked into the flames, and saw Slender Man standing there with his tendrils flailing all about.  A tendril came out and grabbed my leg, and pulled it into the fire, but Thomas and Eric managed to pull me out.  We got into Thomas' car, and sped off.  Only to see Slender Man standing in the road.  Thomas kept heading toward him, and when we hit him the front of the car bent inward.  We ran out of the car, and I listened to my own voice laugh at me in my head yelling about how I would suffer a slow death.  I heard trees breaking.  A tendril went straight through one of my legs.  I limped on, and after that I couldn't hear him anymore.  We've been heading toward Chicago ever since Thomas managed to steal another car.  So, now I'm finally living in a world I thought was just fiction.  I was right.  My life and everything around me did crumble, but I didn't lose my sanity or my friends.  I'm not going to be posting here anymore since I'm not really living a boring life and watching grass grow anymore.  Stay safe guys.  And if you start to see him, don't call a therapist.  RUN.  I don't mean just run forever, no, I mean get away from those you love and fight Slender Man until you don't have any limbs left.  In the words of Zeke Strahm, make that bastard work for his food.