Sunday, July 8, 2012

Dr.Richards' Notes 2/15/04

Since my sessions with Thomas began, I would like to think that I have been making steady progress with him, but today's session showed me that a patient can relapse at any time.  I had decided that it may be a nice change of pace for us to have our session today out in the courtyard so Thomas could get some fresh air.  Thomas seemed to even be enjoying the bright day and warm weather.  Today we were talking about how Thomas had conquered "Mr.Tall" which we had long since decided was a manifestation of Thomas' fear of the unknown.  Thomas had a smile on his face and seemed to just be enjoying the outside, when he looked over to the forest.  Thomas' expression changed immediately and his eyes fixated on one spot, but when I looked over there I saw nothing.  Thomas began to scream and bolted to the entrance of the hospital. We had to give him a sedative to calm him.  We've not had to sedate Thomas since he first arrived here.  I have no idea what caused this relapse of Thomas' and I haven't been able to talk to him, as he's been unconscious since the whole event.  I'll try to find out what happened tomorrow.  I worry for Thomas.