Sunday, May 27, 2012

MY weekend

Hey guys, it's Eric and you'll never guess who I ran into.  I was playing Fallout 3 with John after TOONAMI had gone off, and realized that I'd left my phone in my car.  I go on down to the parking lot, open my door, and nearly get stabbed to death by Advcate.  No idea how the piece of craps alive, but apparently wearing a mask makes you imune to 2 bullets to the head.  He lunges at me after I open the door and gets me to ground.  He tried to stab my head, but I'm able to move it out of the way each time.  He tries for the fourth time and I catch his hand with mine.  I'm able to throw his knife to the ground.  I punch his mask, and he gets up and runs.  I chase after him for about a mile, but he ran into the woods after that.  I told John what happened after I got back and he had a panic attack.  Can anyone tell me how he survived 2 shots to the head.  Please.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

weird dreams...

Hey, this is John, I've been having this weird dream for the past two nights, and I wouldn't make a post about a dream that's been goin' on for only two nights but I can remember every little detail.  It always starts off with me in a dark room.  I get the sense that I'm being watched,(gee I wonder by who).  Then, out of nowhere, this bright light shines down on me.  Then after my eyes adjust to the unbelieveably bright light, I can see that I'm surrounded by three mirrors.  In one is me, except I look lifeless and I'm sitting down leaning against a wall like a rag doll.  There're these weird black lines coming from my wrists, elbows, shoulders, ankles, knees, and thighs.  They go out to the mirror's edges.  Then in one, I'm standing there with these old war veteran eyes.  I reach in my pocket and pull out that .22.  I tap the glass, pointing to the mirror behind me that I hadn't looked at.  When I turn, I see the Slender Man standing there with his head tilted to the side, and he has the thin little black lines coming out of him going into the ragdoll reflection.  I look back at the reflection with the gun and he's standing there ready to shot and does.  When the glass shatters, Slender Man's tendrils launch out full force and wrap around me and jerk me in to his mirror.  After that I wake up with a nose bleed screaming.  Why do I feel like I'm going to have to pick up a gun again?

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Thing're pretty rough right now

Hey guys, this is Eric, and I'm posting here cause I'm really worried for John and stuffs been messed up lately.  Okay, yeah I know, having some demon thing hunt you isn't exactly good, but I mean since he was in the hospital and since he shot Advcate(rest in pieces btw), he's not been doin so hot.  He's gotten that cough that everyone gets when this thing starts screwing with their life.  He sleeps when he's not in class and he's not really studying.  Not to mention I've been hearing sobs come from his room at night.  Saying things like "I'm sorry" and "What have I become" and whenever I confront him over it he just says "I'm goin through a rough patch man, that's all".  I'm worried that he's going to have a breakdown and kill himself or something.  You know, honestly, for awhile I thought that this whole slenderman thing was just that Advcate a-hole dressing up and screwing with John, but today I saw him.  It's been raining for the past two days and I was making a food run, when I looked around the parking lot for my car, I saw him standing near the edge of the lot.  I dropped the food at that point, picked it back up, and ran to my car and slung the food in it.  It was honestly one of the scariest moments of my life.  He was just there, almost as if didn't matter that it was raining, that there was a walmart there, or that people were there.  Like he'd still be there even if nothing else was.  He was gone after I had dropped the food so I think he was only there so I could know he exsisted and wasn't another way for Advcate to screw with me and John.    The police took John's gun for evidence, so I think I'm going to buy a new(and stronger) one.  Not for John though, I honestly don't think he'll ever touch another one to be honest with you guys.  Its weird, you know?  It really feels like its just John and me fighting this thing, and yet whenever I log on to post, it always says that its gotten like over a hundred views or something.  Thanks for keeping up with us guys, it really means alot.  Espeacially in rough times like these.  Anyone whos dealing with the same crap me and John are being served on a daily basis and has any advice, please share it with us.  Well later, I guess.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Why we haven't been posting...

After I got out of the hospital...I went and bought a gun and a pack of ammo(it was a .22).  Life went normally for the first week, but on the Monday of the second week of being home from I got a..........a...oh God...I got a message from Advcate.  But this time I guess he decided that he didn't want to go through the trouble of breaking in and using my computer to post, so he decided to get a cat, gut it, and use its blood to write the following:"come and find me i left you a hint in the car".  After I vomited for 20 minutes and threw out the cat, I went to my car.  I found a piece found paper with "434 magnolia drive" written on it with blood and an operator symbol under it for good measure.  I drove to the location with the gun.  It was just an empty house that for sale, and this one wasn't off in the woods somewhere, it was actually in a normal neighborhood.  I walked in and turned on my flash light.  After I looked in every room and couldn't find him anywhere, I readied my gun.  I was back in the living room when he charged out of the closet.  I fired 2 shots and he was dead.  I curled in a ball a waited for the cops to show.  When they arrived, I showed them my room with the message on the door and the note in my car.  They didn't press any charges since they said it was in self defense.  I killed someone guys.  I don't care if Slender Man brainwashed him, he was still a human life........and I took it.  Please understand why I've been inactive.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

I hate you

I hate you Advcate.  Really I do.  Yesterday, I go out with Eric to Chili's and we eat so much spicy food.  We talk and reminisce about high school.  And then we head on back to the dorm room and decide to watch Dirty Harry once we arrive there.  I walk to the elevator and press the button to out floor, and when the doors close, I see that some one has carved half an operator symbol on each door so that when they fully close, we get a whole image like a demented MAD magazine.  Me and Eric prepare ourselves for whatever we'll be finding.  We open the door and the lights are off.  I turn the lights on there's no one there, so I go to check the bathroom and Eric goes to check our two closets.  When I leave the bathroom and turn I see him standing in front of the door into our room.  He's facing me just standing there, breatheing heavily.  Kinda like V from V For Vendetta.  I yell for Eric and he runs out.  We all stand there for what felt like HOURs but was obviously less than thirty seconds.  He runs at me and Eric and me run at him.  That's when it happens.  I feel a cold piece of metal slide into my stomach.  Then again.  And again.  AND AGAIN!  I fall backwards with the knife inside my stomach, and Eric tackles him to the ground.  Advcate gets Eric off of him and dive out of our window.  we're on the fourth floor.  When Eric checked, his body wasn't down there.  I'm in the Hospital now.  I'll be here for about a week.  Now in response to what you put up yesterday, I will remember that next time I think of Zeke.  You know why?  Because Zeke Strahm died not blaming the world for what happened to him, but thinking of the Hybrid guys and Celeste.  All I see in that video is a soilder going home after serving a very long tour of duty.

Friday, May 4, 2012  

keep this one in mind next time you talk about those who inspire you jonny boy
-The Advcate

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I've been going over the files and there's a good bit of information on the kid who went missing.  His name was Thomas Matthews and he was about 12 years old when the house burned down, and that was in June of 2005.  When he was 8 he started telling his Mom and Dad about his "friend" Mr.Tall.  Eventually Thomas began to  start having panic attacks and crying.  When he told his parents why, they had him commited to a mental hostpital.  The name of the hospital was St.Michael's Home for The Mentally Troubled.  It's actually only an hour and a half away from where I live.  He was there for about 2 years, and the day he got home, it burned down.  He's been missing ever since.  My guess, Slendy started to drive the kid mad, did, and when they fixed him, burned his house down and took to wherever he takes the people he takes because he's an EXTREMELY poor loser.  That's what I've been doing since Friday.