Friday, April 27, 2012

What happened

Okay, me and Eric went to the library, just as I said we would.  We got ahold of old newspapers and began looking for anything on crappy shack.  After about 4 hours of searching, I found an article.  Tell me if you've heard this one before.  House bursts into flames with no known cause.  A Mother and Father die, and the child's body is never found.  With Slender Man standing in a tree not very far from the edge of the frame.  Add a creepy little line about the photographer going missing and we've got a post on SomethingAwful!  When I asked for some more information, the lady at the desk said that she couldn't show us it for some bullcrap reason about something in her work contract.  So, we broke in later that night.  I don't know why Eric went along with it, he seemed to think I'd flipped my lid.  Probably worried about me hurting someone or myself.  Anyway, we get into the library and we turn on our flashlights, and get our cameras out to take some pictures of the files for futher study.  Eric says he'll go in for it.  I hear the sound of filing cabinents opening and manilla folders flicking.  I hear the camera go off about 6 or 7 times.  Then Eric turns around after finishing a cabinent off, and there he was, Advcate.  Advcate charges at him and knocks him down.  I manage to tackle him before he does anything, A-Hole tried to stab me again!  But this time I had Eric and he knocked the knife out of his hand.  Advcate kicked Eric in the face and ran through the glass window, no doubt to set the alarm off for us.  We managed to escape with our little bit of information.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I've Made My decision

I've been thinking about everything that's happened since Sunday, and I've come to the conclusion that I just can't take this.  I can't take the paranoia, the nightmare, or the whispers I've been hearing when I wake up in the mornings.  So, I've decided to take the option that someone who I initially thought was just fiction but now admire more than anyone, I'm going to take the Zeke Strahm approach and go down fighting this thing even if it gets me strung up in a tree.  I'm going to be heading to the library with Eric Friday to do some research on that house and street's history.  Now, for anyone that's been wondering throughout this entire post, no I haven't seen The Slender Man since Sunday.  That's right, I'm not going to say HIM or //Construct//.  I'm going to go take a nap, haven't slept since Sunday.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Last Night changed EVERYTHING

Hey guys, its John, yay I'm back and....I need to tell you guys what happened.  Okay, so I saw that message and told Eric that I would call the cops once I saw this guy and then call him after the cops showed.  I walked for hours looking for that address, heck I even was going to give up around 4:30 P.M.  However, I saw a mailbox(Yeah no house, just a mailbox, house must've burned down) that said "121 Rocky Drive"  around 6:30P.M. and walked down the dirt road it was on.  It went up hill, and when I got to the top of the hill, I saw him.  The Advcate.  He was standing there in what looked like a black robe and a mask of some kind, I couldn't make it out from where I was.  He noticed me and started to run.  He had taken a turn into the woods and I had followed him with my cellphone about to try to call the police station with my one whole bar of signal.  The call wouldn't go through, but I was able to catch up with the S.O.B.  This time I was able to make out his mask.  It was like one of those happy and sad faces you see at theaters to represent comedy and drama, except....except it had no expression.  Anyway, I caught up with him and tackled him.  He punched me in the mouth and busted my lip.  I tried knock his mask off so I could help Identify him if he got away and I managed to get away so, but it must've be tied onto his head with a strap of some kind.  He pulled our a knife and tried to stab me, but only managed to cut my arm, albiet deeply, but still just a cut.  That got me off him and he ran.  I sat there for a few minutes and realized the sun had practically set and got up.  I turned around and thats when I saw him.  Standing there just watching me and can only guess he had been there during my scuffle as well.  It was just like all the videos showed him and the blogs described him as.  Tall, maybe 8 feet so, wearing a business suit, Ungodly thin physique, arms far too long for any human, and....and the piece of resistance of the moment my life became a literal nightmare, a head with no signs of any facial features.  I was so horrified I-I couldn't believe it everytime I read a blog or watched a video I couldn't understand why they described so much horror at the sheer sight of him.  I just thought "Yeah he's scary, but certainly not freeze in your foot steps scary.".  Everyone thinks that but everything about him is just so....wrong.  I mean his physiology makes absolutely no sense, and the way he just watches, with you knowing he could whip out those tendrils at any moment.  Yes, there he was right in front of my face, The Slender Man.  After I managed to unfreeze, I immediately ran back the way I came, but he was there everytime I looked to the side to check the forest.  He was there EVERYTIME!  And then....and then he was IN FRONT OF ME!  I tried to run, but that's where my memory ends.   I woke up right outside my dorm room's door at 6:00 A.M.  I..............I have no idea WHAT I'm going to do.  I'm I'm shaking, I didn't go to ANY of my classes today.  I've just been in my room with the blinds closed, door locked, and all the lights on.  This is where it begins isn't it?  The destruction of everything, my friends, family, sanity, and finally my life all together.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hey guys, Eric here and John's been gone since about 10:00A.M.  After he saw the last post, he told me that he'd seen that place once while hiking and was going to take care of the A-Hole who's been hacking the blog.  He'd said he'd call the cops after finding The Advcate and I haven't gotten a call from him or the cops on anything.......I'm filing a missing persons report tomorrow.
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i'll see you there jonny boy
-The Advcate

Friday, April 20, 2012

Okay guys, this needs to STOP!

I saw the last post.  That picture is of MY computer monitor taken what I guess is before "The Adovicate"(yeah learn to spell) made his post.  That means he broke into my dorm room, logged onto my computer, and made that post.  I'm scared for my life, and I don't know what to do.  I called the cops, no fingerprints on the key board except my own.  I'm scared.  Apparently I'm vulnerable.  And I'm unsure of how long I have until that psycho makes his next move.  All I can say is this, if you want to get me, do it.  I won't call the cops(They think I lied about the break in at the dorm), and you can have me.  Your move A-hole.
Ha-ha-ha, Oh jonny boy you think that My LittLE post was simple hack?!  oh no my FRiend, how you underestimate my abilities.  oh and jonny boy's little readers, you really shouldn't trust what you read.
-The Advcate

heres a picture for you jonny

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Uh guys?

I didn't post that post yester day, I went to my classes and there were no animals on the campus.  I mean, me and Eric actually went to Pizza Hut.  So, whoever hacked my account last time hacked it again.  This scares me, that some troll obsessed with The Mythos is trying to convice me that they're real as well.  I mean, they aren't real right?  I mean, the real world is full of McDonalds, Video Games, Pizza Hut, Comic Books, School, and Hiking(For me anyway).  So how can the world I live in that has so much order and logic also have an interdimesional demon who attacks kids, film students, fittness guys, A random guy in Florida, and hard boiled detectives who didn't desereve to go the way they did?  So, everythings good, no crazy animal stuff, I just got hacked.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I didn't attend class today, nobody did, the ENTIRE CAMPUS WAS COVERED IN DEAD ANIMALS!  They were in trees for God's sake!  I swear to God I-I don't know what to even to think at this point.  I mean I honestly think that The Slender Man is out to get me, or at least some psycho who's obsessed with The Mythos that wants to drive me insane.  I am honestly fearing for my life right now.

Monday, April 16, 2012


Hey guys, it John, and uh, yeah I don't know what was up with that post either.  I'll be honest, I'm pretty freaked due to the fact, the post you know, LOOKED LIKE SOMETHING OUT OF A F*&^ING SLENDERBLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I have no idea what to do, I called the cops and they said they couldn't track the signal or anything like on NCIS.  I'm scared and I've only left my dorm for my classes, so I've not left my room after 12:30 P.M.  I did get a chance to read Born Again, and I can post my thoughts, might take my mind off the whole thing, you know?  I LOVED it, would be the quick way of puttin things, but I'll go a TAD more indepth.  I really liked watching Matt slowly break down, I felt bad when he did something that was so far beneath him, especially the scene where "Foggy" says that he should go attack The Kingpin.  I also really liked the fact that the book puts so little inphasis onto when he's in costume in the beginning, but MAJOR inphasis on it later.  I liked the way Frank Miller wrote Captian America as well, it was funny seeing him think not to be angry at the computer like an "old man" would.  This book also DRASTICALLY changes the way I look at Mark Waid's current Daredevil Run.  Seriously, it feels like Mark Waid's chipper Daredevil is where Frank Miller wanted Matt's character to go post BORN AGAIN, happier with his life even though his life has had some pretty crappy turns.  So yeah, a very good book and it has lead me to the decision that next time I get the cash I'll buy Frank Miller's Daredevil:Man Without Fear!

Hoping my life isn't becoming a Slenderblog...

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Hope you like whAt i did to your room jonny boy.
-The Advocate

Friday, April 13, 2012

Hiatus is officially over!

Hey guys, it's John, andI'm sorry for not posting since 6 days ago.  I do have a reason for that though, somebody broke into my dorm room!  He came in and trashed every thing except the desk my laptop was on, I was TICKED!  I called the cops, and guess what they said, "Not enough evidence."!  And I heard one of the cops say that me and Eric looked like stoners and it was probably something we did while we were high!  I've never touched drugs and neither has Eric!!!!  Anyway, I'm still waiting for Daredevil:Born Again to arrive, and I am getting just a TAD impatient.  Oh, and I'll be posting some more A Detective Story this weekend to.  So, yeah, this officially is the end of my 6 day hiatus.  And now back to the glorious Owl City playlist on Youtube!

Ahsta Lavista Baby...

Friday, April 6, 2012

Hey guys

Hey guys, I wanted to make this post today since I haven't made a single un"A Detective Story" realated post in two days.  Well I finished Daredvil Visionaries:Frank Miller Volume 2 today, and I shall now post my thoughts on it.  

Awesome, that describes it all in one word.  I love how Matt's written here, he's driven and strong.  I also loved to see Turk and Gratto be idiots every other issue.  I also really enjoyed Miller's Bullseye, the character makes for a great villian.  I really like his Joker-esque attitude.  But I have to say that The Kingpin steals the show as Daredevil's greatest foe.  I LOVED the whole Vanessa affair, he was beautifully equal parts sympathetic and evil, but he wouldn't have become so evil had the love of his life not been so viscously taken away from him, all in all beautifully complex.  I also enjoyed the ark's conclusion.  I didn't really get why so many liked Elektra, in this ark she's totally unlikeable until she spares Foggy.  Which was more so out of the possibility of her becoming likeable than anything.  But I can't say anything on who she's become over the years of her own series and different writers.  I also love the fact that this collection end on the note of Matt finally realizeing that she's really dead(Miller obviously wanted her to stay so by the way the issue's written.).  Miller's art is also fantastic, much better than what it's devolved to over the years, I personally wished it had stayed here or between or at The Dark Knight Returns.  One of my favorite issues in this collection in the Ben Urich one, I'd read a series all about him if it was written that well.

I also recently bought/watched the Director's Cut of Daredevil(2003), and it is a MUCH better movie and I think most Daredevil fans would enjoy this cut.  And for the last part of this Daredevil-centered post, I recently bought Daredevil:Born Again off ebay, and I am excitedly awaiting its arrival.

Now onto my real lift, I attended Sheila's funeral today, I know I didn't like her, but I felt I had to.  Her parents were there and her whole family.  As a pick-me-up, Eric watched my Daredevil Director's Cut with me, it was rather nice.

Later Gatoers...

A Detective Story

Chapter 2:The Scene of The Crime

I walk out side and pull out a cigarette and take a drag, things start to be a little easier to put up with.  The storm, my coffee getting water in it due to said rain, and what I'm going out of my way in this storm to go see.  I pull up around 15 maybe 20 minutes later, and it's just as bad as the file's descriptions and photos.  She's in a back alley, rats and trash roaming freely, and maybe the occasional stray dog or cat.  "Who found the body?", I ask one of the EMTs who found the body,"It was the bartender inside.", he tells me.  I find the moe and she has curly red hair and a tatoo of cross with Jesus on her right arm.  Her name's Jenny, this was our conversation, which I could barely stand due to her yellow teeth and the stink of tobacco on her breath:

B:Had she ever come into the bar before?

J:No, this was 'er first time comin' in, and she seemed nervous about even orderin' a LIGHT beer, you know the type that just turned 21?

B:Ha, yeah, did she talk to anyone whil she was in there?

J:This one guy kept tryin' ta' flirt with 'er, but she kept turnin' him down. 

B:What'd this guy look like?

J:He was about 6'1, dark brown hair, looked about to be in his 30's, big nose, had this funky lookin' mole on his eye brow, and had a glass eye.


I may just stop by her joint, anyway, I noticed a blood stain on the trash can behind the bar.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Detective Story

Chapter 1:The Assignment

I came into the office around 5:00A.M., and I was on my first cup of Joe.  It was coming down pretty hard, rain was even louder than Louie's TV.  Lights kept flickering so you'd be in darkness for about two minutes after every five minutes of light.  Wasn't much to look at though, just me and three other guys sitting at desks in a room with only one window, and a crappy 70's TV. Wall paper peeling and some awful smell coming from Rickie's desk.  Kirby came in and handed me a case file, and was out of the room not a minute later.  I looked at it, murder victim, fifth one of its kind.  Arteries in the arms stabbed.  Eyes burned out of the sockets.  And the piece of resitance for this guy, the stomach cut open and absent of any organs.  I closed it, grabbed my trench coat, hat, and my joe.  After that I was out the door.  I'm detective Ben Conners and this is my story.

Just a story I'm doin' for the fun of it

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I've been reading my Daredevil comic, and it takes my breath away every page.  Also, I saw the everymanHYBRID video, and it was pretty epic.  I'm currently listening to the song in that video(I can't Decide by The Scisccor Sisters for anyone wondering), and  have been since I watched it, its just that catchy!  You can always depend on HABIT to put out some awesome tunes to be evil to and whatnot. Well just postin' to post...

Monday, April 2, 2012

I'm doin' good guys

Hey guys, John here, and  I wanted to make a post to let everyone know that it's all good, and I'm not still all bummed out.  I just felt bad about talking bad about a girl who had her life taken away from her WAY to harshly and slowly.

Sheila Grace Anne

In other much happier news, TOONAMI was back for one night Saturday, and, if only for 1 night, I was 13 on a school day afternoon watchin' DBZ OG, Gundam Wing, Yu-Yu Hakusho, and Trigun.  That was awesome and I hope they bring it back for good one day since the feed back from that was so good.  Also, my Daredevil book came in, and I'm about to consume its contents after this post.  Also, as he posted Saturday, Eric came home Sunday due to his awesome bonding with his family, which was flippin' awesome. 

Stay Gold Space Cowboys...