Hey guys, it John, and uh, yeah I don't know what was up with that post either. I'll be honest, I'm pretty freaked due to the fact, the post you know, LOOKED LIKE SOMETHING OUT OF A F*&^ING SLENDERBLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have no idea what to do, I called the cops and they said they couldn't track the signal or anything like on NCIS. I'm scared and I've only left my dorm for my classes, so I've not left my room after 12:30 P.M. I did get a chance to read Born Again, and I can post my thoughts, might take my mind off the whole thing, you know? I LOVED it, would be the quick way of puttin things, but I'll go a TAD more indepth. I really liked watching Matt slowly break down, I felt bad when he did something that was so far beneath him, especially the scene where "Foggy" says that he should go attack The Kingpin. I also really liked the fact that the book puts so little inphasis onto when he's in costume in the beginning, but MAJOR inphasis on it later. I liked the way Frank Miller wrote Captian America as well, it was funny seeing him think not to be angry at the computer like an "old man" would. This book also DRASTICALLY changes the way I look at Mark Waid's current Daredevil Run. Seriously, it feels like Mark Waid's chipper Daredevil is where Frank Miller wanted Matt's character to go post BORN AGAIN, happier with his life even though his life has had some pretty crappy turns. So yeah, a very good book and it has lead me to the decision that next time I get the cash I'll buy Frank Miller's Daredevil:Man Without Fear!
Hoping my life isn't becoming a Slenderblog...
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