Friday, April 6, 2012

A Detective Story

Chapter 2:The Scene of The Crime

I walk out side and pull out a cigarette and take a drag, things start to be a little easier to put up with.  The storm, my coffee getting water in it due to said rain, and what I'm going out of my way in this storm to go see.  I pull up around 15 maybe 20 minutes later, and it's just as bad as the file's descriptions and photos.  She's in a back alley, rats and trash roaming freely, and maybe the occasional stray dog or cat.  "Who found the body?", I ask one of the EMTs who found the body,"It was the bartender inside.", he tells me.  I find the moe and she has curly red hair and a tatoo of cross with Jesus on her right arm.  Her name's Jenny, this was our conversation, which I could barely stand due to her yellow teeth and the stink of tobacco on her breath:

B:Had she ever come into the bar before?

J:No, this was 'er first time comin' in, and she seemed nervous about even orderin' a LIGHT beer, you know the type that just turned 21?

B:Ha, yeah, did she talk to anyone whil she was in there?

J:This one guy kept tryin' ta' flirt with 'er, but she kept turnin' him down. 

B:What'd this guy look like?

J:He was about 6'1, dark brown hair, looked about to be in his 30's, big nose, had this funky lookin' mole on his eye brow, and had a glass eye.


I may just stop by her joint, anyway, I noticed a blood stain on the trash can behind the bar.


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