Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I've Made My decision

I've been thinking about everything that's happened since Sunday, and I've come to the conclusion that I just can't take this.  I can't take the paranoia, the nightmare, or the whispers I've been hearing when I wake up in the mornings.  So, I've decided to take the option that someone who I initially thought was just fiction but now admire more than anyone, I'm going to take the Zeke Strahm approach and go down fighting this thing even if it gets me strung up in a tree.  I'm going to be heading to the library with Eric Friday to do some research on that house and street's history.  Now, for anyone that's been wondering throughout this entire post, no I haven't seen The Slender Man since Sunday.  That's right, I'm not going to say HIM or //Construct//.  I'm going to go take a nap, haven't slept since Sunday.

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