Sunday, May 20, 2012

Thing're pretty rough right now

Hey guys, this is Eric, and I'm posting here cause I'm really worried for John and stuffs been messed up lately.  Okay, yeah I know, having some demon thing hunt you isn't exactly good, but I mean since he was in the hospital and since he shot Advcate(rest in pieces btw), he's not been doin so hot.  He's gotten that cough that everyone gets when this thing starts screwing with their life.  He sleeps when he's not in class and he's not really studying.  Not to mention I've been hearing sobs come from his room at night.  Saying things like "I'm sorry" and "What have I become" and whenever I confront him over it he just says "I'm goin through a rough patch man, that's all".  I'm worried that he's going to have a breakdown and kill himself or something.  You know, honestly, for awhile I thought that this whole slenderman thing was just that Advcate a-hole dressing up and screwing with John, but today I saw him.  It's been raining for the past two days and I was making a food run, when I looked around the parking lot for my car, I saw him standing near the edge of the lot.  I dropped the food at that point, picked it back up, and ran to my car and slung the food in it.  It was honestly one of the scariest moments of my life.  He was just there, almost as if didn't matter that it was raining, that there was a walmart there, or that people were there.  Like he'd still be there even if nothing else was.  He was gone after I had dropped the food so I think he was only there so I could know he exsisted and wasn't another way for Advcate to screw with me and John.    The police took John's gun for evidence, so I think I'm going to buy a new(and stronger) one.  Not for John though, I honestly don't think he'll ever touch another one to be honest with you guys.  Its weird, you know?  It really feels like its just John and me fighting this thing, and yet whenever I log on to post, it always says that its gotten like over a hundred views or something.  Thanks for keeping up with us guys, it really means alot.  Espeacially in rough times like these.  Anyone whos dealing with the same crap me and John are being served on a daily basis and has any advice, please share it with us.  Well later, I guess.

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