Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I went to investigate where Eric went missing after I made my last post.  It was, or course, a dark and rainy day.  There was an alley next to the pizza place, so I figured that would be the best place to look.  When I was walking into the alley, I noticed someone standing there at the end of it.  My foot bumped an old can, and he turned around.  He was wearing a black a sleeveless/hood less cloak. A Guy Fawkes mask, and a black top hat.  I yelled out, "Where's Eric!", and charged at him.  When I tackled him, he was able to through me off, and started to make a run for it.  I ran and grabbed him, and pulled him to the ground.  I ripped his mask off.  He had messy brown hair, a few scars on his cheek and chin, and bags under his eyes.  "Who are you and where's Eric!", I yelled inches from the guy's face.  He told me he was "A Friend", but I didn't fell like taking his cryptic bull crap, so I yelled it at him again.  He looked me in the eye and told me he was Thomas Matthews.  He said that he'd been trying to kill Slender Man since he burnt his house down.  He said that he'd noticed my blog, and since he was already in the area, he decided to help me.  He told me that he was with Dr.Richards for a few years, but he was killed two years ago by Slender Man.  He explained to me that "The Advcate" wasn't a person, but rather, he was just several members of "The Order" hacking me under the name.  He said he didn't know how, but he was pretty certain that they were the ones hacking me.  He said that he had more to tell me about "The Order", but he'd much rather do it back at the dorms.  When we go there, he told me that "The Order" was a  cult that worshiped The Slender Man, believing him to be a god who would take them to "The Fourth World".  They also acted as his soldiers when need be, which is why "Advcate" made a comeback after getting shot in the face. He said that "The Order" is the reason he was in the area in the first place.  He also told me that Slender Man was done toying with me so he had "The Order" abduct Eric so that they could sacrifice the both of us to him.  He said that their base was in that house "Advcate" had wanted me to meet him at.  I asked him how I could trust him not to be leading me into a trap, and he looked at me with the same eyes that one of my reflections had in that nightmare.  He said, "I listened to my parents scream and smelt their flesh burn away, and heard him laughing at me in my head using my voice the whole time.  WHY would I want to work for him?".  I didn't doubt him after that.  We went off to his car, which had several guns.  He told me to grab one if I planned to rescue Eric with him.  I never wanted to pick up a gun again after I killed "Advcate" in that house, but Eric has been like a brother to me and stuck around as my life became a horror movie.  I wasn't just going to let him die.  We got to that house about eight at night.  There was light coming through the windows and singing in a language I couldn't understand.  When I kicked down the door, and they all looked over to me and Thomas, I saw something I'll never forget.  I saw a dead woman laying on the floor with her stomach torn open, and Slender Man standing there with a tentacle wrapped around a crying baby covered in blood.  I shot at him, but he just dissapered. They charged at me and Thomas, and I opened fire. They stabbed me with a knife in the shoulder and leg, but  managed to fight my way through them.  One charged at me yelling something about not being welcome in "HIS" domain.  I shot him in the chest, and kept looking around for Eric.  I saw some stairs to what looked like a basement, and ran down there hoping to find Eric alive.  He was down there alright.  He was covered in blood and chained to a wall with several cuts on him.  "I thought I'd never see you again.", said weakly as I picked him up after shooting the chains.  I ran back up to see Thomas run by me and Eric yelling to follow him.  I looked to see Slender Man with members of  "The Order" in his tendrils and ripping them apart.  Thomas had a can of oil, using it to drip a line of oil behind him as we got out of there.  We got through the back door, and I looked over to see Thomas smiling with a lit match.  "Burn in Hell.", he said as he dropped the match.  The oil ignited, and the house burst into flame.  I looked into the flames, and saw Slender Man standing there with his tendrils flailing all about.  A tendril came out and grabbed my leg, and pulled it into the fire, but Thomas and Eric managed to pull me out.  We got into Thomas' car, and sped off.  Only to see Slender Man standing in the road.  Thomas kept heading toward him, and when we hit him the front of the car bent inward.  We ran out of the car, and I listened to my own voice laugh at me in my head yelling about how I would suffer a slow death.  I heard trees breaking.  A tendril went straight through one of my legs.  I limped on, and after that I couldn't hear him anymore.  We've been heading toward Chicago ever since Thomas managed to steal another car.  So, now I'm finally living in a world I thought was just fiction.  I was right.  My life and everything around me did crumble, but I didn't lose my sanity or my friends.  I'm not going to be posting here anymore since I'm not really living a boring life and watching grass grow anymore.  Stay safe guys.  And if you start to see him, don't call a therapist.  RUN.  I don't mean just run forever, no, I mean get away from those you love and fight Slender Man until you don't have any limbs left.  In the words of Zeke Strahm, make that bastard work for his food.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Eric went missing guys.  He went out to pick up our pizza from pizza place we ordered it.  He's been missing for two days, I'm going to go investigate where he vanished.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Hey guys, it's John, I figured that I should update you guys since some things have happened since "A Friend" posted Dr.Banner's notes.  Things were actually relatively quiet while I was posting all those notes, except for the usual seeing Slender Man on the side of the road occasionally.  But around the time when I was nearing the end of the notes, I started hearing noise in my dorm room.  I would hear what sounded like tapping coming from inside the wall, and at first I just ignored it.  But it kept going every single minute of every single night. Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap.  It got to the point where I was considering sleeping in my car, or losing it and just smashing a hole in the wall.  I ended up just cutting a hole in it(don't worry I didn't go all Jack Torrance with an axe, I carefully cut it and replaced the part I damaged later), and, well, you won't believe me when I tell you.  It was an old alarm clock(like the kind in cartoons)with words carved into the back of it.  "time's running out johnny boy-The Advcate", is what it said.  I threw the thing onto the ground and stepped on the pieces.  But it didn't stop there, one night when Eric went out to buy food, he came back and found all of the seats damaged with that stupid symbol carved in them and a dead dear in the back of the car.  He called the cops, but they didn't find any finger prints or D.N.A.  But that wasn't the worst of it.  One night, while I was going out for a drive since I was feeling stressed with college, I saw him standing in the road waiting for me.  I couldn't take it after that.  I just got out of the car, and started walking to him yelling.  "What do you want?!?  What the Hell are you gaining out of any of this!?!", and as I got closer to him, I started to cough more and more.  By the time I got close to him, I had coughed up blood, and had it running down my mouth.  "Who the do you think you are?!?", I yelled in his face and spit blood.  That's the last thing I remember before waking up on the road with my appendix missing.  Someone driving down the road found me and rushed me to the hospital.  That was the 25th.  I got home from the hospital yesterday.  What's coming?  Why are things getting worse?  Who's "A Friend"?  Whatever's coming, am I going to end up dead at the end of it?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dr. Banner's Notes 10/12/04-6/14/05

I had my first session with Thomas Matthews today after his previous psychiatrist, Dr. Richards, went missing.  Thomas wasn't very responsive to me in our session to day at all.  Mostly he gave nods for yes and shook his head for no.  When he did speak, though, he spoke in a very hushed tone.  He seemed very torn up about his previous psychiatrist's dissaperance.

Today Thomas and I tried using clay to express his emotions currently.  He molded a horse, a pirate captain, and a bed with a little clay figure in it, but he wasn't done there.  He molded a rectangle, and placed a  sphere on top, and placed it next to the bed where the little clay figure was.  Obviously this was supposed to be "Mr.Tall" watching him.  I asked Thomas why he molded that, and he said, "Well, it's what happens every night, and I don't like it.  I figured it showed how I feel.".

Thomas showed some very good progress today.  I was asking him about his day so far, and he interrupted me to tell me that he knows "Mr.Tall" is not real.  He also told me that he wants my help to help him see that.  I told him that together we could get him to see that.

Thomas told me that my technique of him pretending that "Mr.Tall" wasn't there when he saw him at night was working, because, last night he wasn't there.  Thomas has become more comfortable around me, and seems to trust me like had apparently trusted Dr. Richards.  I'm glad that I'm making some progress with this boy.

Thomas has been behaving more and more like a boy his age, and isn't showing many signs of mental illness anymore.  Mostly we talk about past experiences Thomas has had on family vacations and things of the such.  I think he'll be ready for release by New Year's Eve.

Thomas was found with several symbols cut into his back this morning.  His bed sheets, and pajamas were covered in blood.  He's currently in the hospital.

Thomas was released from the hospital today, and we will resume our sessions tomorrow.  I honestly worry that there is some one tormenting this boy in this hospital, and is only feeding into Thomas' delusions.  I've heard that this was the case with Dr.Richards when he was treating the boy.  Apparently, while Richards was treating the boy, a security guard had been dressing up in a costume and abusing Thomas.  I wonder if there are others who were involved with what that security guard was doing.

Thomas wouldn't communicate with me at all during our session.  He's regressed.

Thomas finally said something to me today.  "I told myself he wasn't there.  I really did.".  After he finished telling me this he began to cry.  Police have been interrogating members of the staff.  They couldn't get a good read on who attacked him since Thomas said that "Mr.Tall" did it.

The police arrested the nurse who had been torturing Thomas.  They found a black robe and mask in her house after they had seen that she scared Thomas.  Thomas began to make progress with me before the incident New Year's Eve, why would she have stopped only to resume then?

It's amazing how much Thomas has recovered since that nurse was fired.  He's back where he was before the incident.  We're even sharing past experiences again.

Thomas was released just a few minutes ago.  His parents were over joyed to have him coming home, and Thomas was happy to be going home.  Though, he did tell me that he would miss me.  I must say that I'll miss him as well.  It's been nice to see someone recover from such horrible circumstances.

You got the time wrong, it was only 1 year.
-A Friend

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Dr. Richards' Notes 2/17/04-????

Thomas calmed down since his incident two days ago, and I was able to have a session again with him today.  When I asked him what had set him off he told me that he had seen "Mr.Tall" with what he described as tentacles waving all around him.  He told me that he was afraid that "Mr.Tall" would grab him with the tentacles.  He also told me that he could hear "Mr.Tall's" voice in his head.  When I asked him what the voice sounded like, he said it was his own voice.  I asked him what "Mr.Tall" had said to him, he told me that he told him that he was going to slaughter Thomas' entire family.  And that Thomas would never be rid of him.  Thomas began to cry at this point, so I spent the rest of our session comforting him.

Thomas told me today that he dreamed that he was walking through a forest, where the trees told him to go deeper and deeper even though he didn't want to explore the forest.  Thomas said that he reached the center of the forest and that"Mr.Tall" was there with his arms outstretched as if he wanted Thomas to hug him. .  I asked Thomas what he thought it meant, he told me that "Mr.Tall" was trying to make him come to him.  Thomas said that he was not the first child "Mr.Tall" had befriended.  He said he had befriended many children and then..."Taken" them.  I asked Thomas what this meant, but he just said that he "Took" them and they'd never come back over and over again.  I'm worried that Thomas may never leave this place if I don't make anymore progress.

Since Thomas only tells me of his dreams, what "Mr.Tall" has shown him, and when "Mr.Tall" appears to him, I decided to give Thomas a notebook to draw his dreams and the things "Mr.Tall" shows him.  The moment I gave Thomas the notebook, he began to draw circles with X's in the middle of them.  He would scribble so hard that he would at times rip the paper with his pencil.  Thomas wouldn't speak to me after this point so I didn't make any progress.

Thomas still won't talk to me and only scribbles in his notebook, when I asked to see the notebook, he handed it to me and the drawings were disturbing to say the least.  After the first few pages with nothing but the symbols I mentioned previously, I saw what looked like "Mr.Tall" with a face, which I thought at first was odd because Thomas had always said that "Mr.Tall" had no face, but I noticed what looked like a small child with black where the face would be standing next to "Mr.Tall".  It took me a moment, but I figured out that "Mr.Tall" was wearing the child's face.  I turned to the next page and it was a forest with "Mr.Tall." being taller than all the trees standing in the middle of the forest.  He had his arms out stretched like Thomas had described in his dream.  The next page was black with a circle in the middle.  I have no idea what that meant.  The Next picture was a stick figure, who I would assume is Thomas, laying in a bed with "Mr.Tall" standing over him.  Thomas told me he was scared after I finished looking through the notebook, I hugged him and told him that I would help him.

I had to give Thomas a new note book today, he had filled his last one up with drawings.  We talked about how we had thought that "Mr.Tall" was just a manifestation of Thomas' fear of the unknown.  Thomas looked up from his note book and said, "That was before he hurt me.".  I immediately asked to see where "Mr.Tall" had hurt him, and Thomas showed me his back.  It was the same symbol that Thomas had been drawing carved into his back several of them look like it had only just scabbed over.  After that, I asked to have guards outside Thomas' room outside, and asked to see the security footage from Thomas' room.  They said that they'd get the tapes to me soon.

I got the tapes from security today, and just finished watching them.  Every night at 12:00A.M.  the video becomes completely distorted, and stays this way until 3:00A.M.  Whenever it stops distorting, the video usually shows Thomas rocking back and fourth in the fetal posisition with blood on his back and his sheets.  Why hasn't anyone brought up the fact that my patient has had blood on his sheets every morning?  Something is going on here...

Thomas won't talk to anyone, he only scribbles in his notebook.  When I looked through it, I saw several photos of what looks like people in black robes with masks.  One photo has Thomas curled up with them surrounding him.  I think that someone here is torturing my patient.  I'm going to be investigating this further.

I came back to work at 12:00A.M. last night to see if I could find out what had been going on with Thomas at night.  When I opened the door, I was horrified with what I saw.  There was a man in a black robe kicking Thomas, who was curled up in a ball.  The man turned and noticed me, pulled out a knife, and charged me.  I fought him, and managed to rip the mask off of him, it was the guard who had been guarding Thomas' room!  I knocked him out, and called the cops.  They took him away, but I just found out that he killed himself on the way to the county jail.  Thomas is at my house now, they needed to move him to investigate his room.  He won't leave my side.  I hope that I can help this boy now, and that he can go home soon.

Thomas told me few days ago that the guard wasn't the only one of "Them".  I asked him who "Them" were, but he said, "They're people with nothing left in their heads.".  I can only assume that this means that that guard had others in on his sick fetish for torturing people mentally weaker than him.

I saw him.  Mr.Tall.  He was standing in front of my house.  I have no idea what I'm going to do.  He wasn't here when I came back.  Am I going mad?  Have I gotten to close to my patient, and now I'm trying let myself into his mad world?  Or is he actually watching me and Thomas?  Did he really take those kids away and and and what if that child wasn't Thomas and was a child that he had "Taken"?

*I have no idea when he wrote this entry.-John*-
He's real.  He attacked me today.  I saw him standing outside my house, and not even a second after a tentacle broke through my window.  He hit my arm, but it didn't feel like something blunt.  I felt like a hot piece of metal cut my arm.  I fell to the ground, and when I got up and looked around and saw him in my living room.  I ran to the door and grabbed my keys.  I started the car, and saw him standing at the front door.  I backed out of my driveway, and when I turned my car to drive away, he was standing in the road.  He had tentacles lashing out all around him.  I sped up the car as fast as I could, and I swear I felt the impact.  I kept driving, and when I looked out the rear-view mirror, I saw him still standing there watching me drive away.  I'm in a hotel now.

I don't know when that last note was written, it wasn't in a manila folder like any of the others, and it was written on notebook paper.  If "A Friend" had this note, could he be Dr.Richards?  This raised more questions than gave answers.  All I got from this was information about how Thomas Matthews disappeared, and that Advcate is apparently a member of something bigger.  A cult like the one Damien's town was in?  Is it possible that this town is as bad as that one?  School starts again Tuesday, so me and Eric are going back to our dorm.  I'm worried about what'll be there waiting for us, to be honest.-John

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Dr.Richards' Notes 2/15/04

Since my sessions with Thomas began, I would like to think that I have been making steady progress with him, but today's session showed me that a patient can relapse at any time.  I had decided that it may be a nice change of pace for us to have our session today out in the courtyard so Thomas could get some fresh air.  Thomas seemed to even be enjoying the bright day and warm weather.  Today we were talking about how Thomas had conquered "Mr.Tall" which we had long since decided was a manifestation of Thomas' fear of the unknown.  Thomas had a smile on his face and seemed to just be enjoying the outside, when he looked over to the forest.  Thomas' expression changed immediately and his eyes fixated on one spot, but when I looked over there I saw nothing.  Thomas began to scream and bolted to the entrance of the hospital. We had to give him a sedative to calm him.  We've not had to sedate Thomas since he first arrived here.  I have no idea what caused this relapse of Thomas' and I haven't been able to talk to him, as he's been unconscious since the whole event.  I'll try to find out what happened tomorrow.  I worry for Thomas.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Dr.Richards' Notes 1/31/04

Thomas has been making some exceptional progress since we began earlier this month.  He no longer has random bouts of shouting about "Mr.Tall"  never leaving or talking to himself.  I have discerned that Thomas' delusions were caused by Thomas' love of new things.  When Thomas was younger anything new excited him, but as Thomas got older, and lost touch with reality, he learned that new things can be bad.  I have discerned that "Mr.Tall" was nothing more than a manifestation of Thomas' fear of the unknown.  If everything continues on its current path I believe that Thomas will be able to leave some time next month.  I am so very proud of his progress.